Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Staying Afloat

Well, I don't know what's going on anymore. Seems there are a lot of problems with Google mail, and other issues out there. I have no idea if my issue is related to those, so I am going to wait it out. Stick around, I'll be back!

They may slap my flops off, but I have dozens of pairs!


  1. Hope you get it all back up and running, bro. Things are always better with FlipFlopsBoy online. Love ya, AOM

  2. Missing you love and hope you're back with us soon. BTW i read a thing here in my Gmail that loads of folks went in and their Google mail was gone so it's probably the same issue you're talking about that happened to you, your blogs could be up and runnin' again soon, one way or another they will be!

    lotsa love from Spartan

  3. No need to tread water here...just laying back, my boat all afloat; slathered in seed with nary a need.

    My prayers have been answered, you're back as sexy as ever; flip flopping to your own unique, mystical beat!!

    Love and Prayers...FUCK the naysayers--


  4. Yeah, What they ↑ said.

    It's good to see you again.


  5. Hi, Flips. I posted your message and the link to this temporary site on my blog. Hang in there, baby!

  6. Hey Flops - Glad to see that Blogger couldn't keep a good man down for long!! Buffboi will be happy to have you back. Hang in!!

  7. We love you and adore you Flips.

    You've been very missed, as you are an important part of my daily surfing.

    You'll be in my prayers, as always.

  8. Welcome back - hope you will get your old FFB back. Big Hugs ♥

  9. Thrilled to see that Blogger hasn't kept you down. Hope you get back to normal with your great blog.

  10. Thanks to AOM for helping me find you. However, wherever, I'll be checking in each day.

  11. HOURRA !
    You're BACK online ....
    Thanks to AOM also...

    JiEL, Montréal, CANADA

  12. I am scandalized by what Google does. Especially in the way they act.
    I congratulate Keith. Other FlipFlop's friends sites did not have the same courage to bring you their support. In any case, not yet. I do not want to name them, but you know them, and this is, at least, regrettable.

  13. I love that you have put up this interim site, Flops. PLEASE keep it up, with a pic or two now and then, just so we get a little taste of what we're gonna get when you get back with a flourish and pizz-zazz. Becuz, THAT you SHALL !! Never give up!! Never, Never, Never!!
